"KATI President Johar Qandhari presenting a shield to Minister Saeed Ghani, with other dignitaries in attendance."

Saeed Ghani Takes Action on KATI Issues: New Committee Formed

Karachi: Sindh’s Minister of Local Government, Housing Town Planning, and Public Health Engineering, Saeed Ghani, made a pivotal announcement. A dedicated committee of municipal officers has been formed to tackle the longstanding concerns of the Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI). This proactive step aims to address various pressing issues, ranging from power supply inconsistencies to boundary disputes and infrastructural challenges.

The Formation of the Committee

Purpose and Objectives

Saeed Ghani’s announcement highlights a significant move towards resolving the grievances of KATI’s industrialists. The newly formed committee is tasked with addressing multiple concerns, particularly those related to municipal governance, revenue collection, and trade licenses. This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to fostering a conducive environment for industrial growth.

Key Figures in Attendance

The meeting was attended by a host of prominent figures including KATI President Johar Qandhari, Deputy Patron in Chief Zubair Chhaya, Senior Vice President Nighat Awan, Vice President Muslim Mohammadi, and several other local government officials and industrialists. Their presence underscores the importance of the issues at hand and the collaborative effort required to address them.

Addressing Electricity Issues

Challenges with K-Electric

Saeed Ghani emphasized the unfairness faced by diligent electricity bill payers who still suffer from load shedding. He called out K-Electric for its inconsistent policies, which often result in undue hardships for responsible consumers. Ghani urged the company to ensure a consistent power supply for those who pay their bills while taking stringent measures against defaulters and electricity thieves.

Impact on Local Authorities

Local authorities in Karachi have been grappling with the electricity crisis, which hampers their ability to deliver essential services effectively. Ghani pointed out that resolving these issues is crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring the smooth functioning of municipal operations.

Development Projects in Karachi

Economic Growth and Industrial Development

Ghani highlighted several ongoing development projects in Karachi, noting their vital role in driving the city’s economic growth. Industrial development, he stressed, is key to improving labor conditions and enhancing overall economic progress. These projects aim to modernize infrastructure, which in turn, facilitates industrial activities and boosts economic stability.

Specific Projects and Their Impact

Among the notable projects, the improvement of road networks and the establishment of new industrial zones stand out. These initiatives are designed to provide a robust infrastructure that supports industrial activities and attracts investment, ultimately benefiting both the business community and the general public.

Boundary Disputes and Revenue Collection

Conflicting Claims from Multiple Towns

One of the major issues discussed was the conflicting claims from Korangi, Landhi, and Shah Faisal Colony regarding revenue collection and trade licenses. President Johar Qandhari highlighted the confusion caused by multiple authorities issuing notices to industrialists, stressing the need for a streamlined tax collection process.

Role of the Local Government Commission

Ghani assured that these boundary disputes fall under the jurisdiction of the local government commission, which will make impartial decisions to ensure fairness. He emphasized the importance of a unified system to handle these disputes, allowing industrial activities to continue without interruption.

Water and Sewage Problems

Criticism of Local Bodies

Qandhari also brought attention to the severe water and sewage problems plaguing the Korangi industrial area. He criticized the inadequate response from local bodies and called for a dedicated committee or board to effectively tackle these challenges. The inefficiency of KMC, the Water Board, and KDA in addressing these issues was a major point of concern.

Proposed Solutions

To address the water shortage, Deputy Patron-in-Chief Zubair Chhaya advocated for the implementation of desalination plants, similar to those used in the Middle East. This, he suggested, could provide a sustainable solution to Karachi’s water woes. Additionally, stricter littering laws were proposed to maintain cleanliness and improve the overall environment in the industrial area.

Financial Support and Funding

Impact of Government Grants

Zahid Saeed, CEO of KITE Limited, discussed the positive impact of a grant from the Sindh government, which has led to significant improvements in the Korangi industrial area. These funds have been instrumental in upgrading infrastructure and enhancing the overall business environment.

Request for Additional Funding

Despite the progress made, Saeed requested additional funding to further benefit the business community and the public. Continued financial support, he argued, is essential for sustaining development efforts and ensuring the long-term prosperity of the industrial area.

Enhanced Cooperation from the Sindh Government

Collaboration with Local Bodies

Masood Naqi, Chairman of the Standing Committee, called for enhanced cooperation from the Sindh government to resolve the water and sewage crisis. He emphasized the need for a collaborative approach involving all stakeholders to address these pressing issues effectively.

Streamlining Efforts for Better Results

Naqi’s call for cooperation highlights the importance of a coordinated effort between the government and local bodies. Streamlining these efforts is crucial for achieving tangible results and improving the overall living and working conditions in the industrial area.


The formation of a committee to address KATI’s issues marks a significant step towards resolving the myriad challenges faced by the industrial sector in Karachi. From addressing electricity supply inconsistencies to tackling water and sewage problems, the committee’s mandate is comprehensive and ambitious. With the support of key stakeholders and the Sindh government, there is a renewed sense of optimism that these issues will be effectively addressed, paving the way for sustained industrial growth and economic prosperity in Karachi.

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